Hi there! I’m Kimberly Kim

— a UX designer based in DC, formerly a paralegal & business owner. I add value to businesses by using the logical mind of a paralegal, the empathy of a marketer and the hands of an artist.


Portfolio ✧

Ultimate Shopper — shopping has never been easier

An all-in-one app where users can do price comparison, sell and trade in one step.

Sony TV Bravia Controller App — A new way to control your TV

A smart controller received average rating of 4.6 from 547 US Apple App Store users.

Parking in DC new features for a carefree parking

Designed an upgraded and curated user flow for DC’s largest parking service.

Amazon App Redesign — 5 new shortcuts for smoother journey

Solving users’ pain points by adding simple clickable buttons and user flows.

Statistics Research on Cultural Value and Consumer Behavior

Analyzing correlations between cultural value and consumer behavior on SPSS.

Everi's award-winning loyalty platform — Trilogy™

Trilogy™ is powered by an intuitive, state-of-the-art loyalty control panel.

Don't Just Take My Word


Don't Just Take My Word 👋

“Kim is incredibly sharp, creative and proactive. What makes Kim so special is that she is a natural problem solver with a strong sense of empathy and understanding of others. She is talented in turning complex problems into very simple and user-friendly design.“

—— Xiao Chuan, Founder, Mi-Asahi Software

“Kim has a bright personality that really shines through her work. She has a great aesthetic taste and passion for design, besides, she is a wonderful communicator & team player.”

—— Mr. Biscuit,

Design Influencer / Figma Config Speaker

“Kim is not only great at her craft but also determined to learn and constantly grow. Her work ethic, performance and diligence would be a great asset to any company. ”

—— Sunny Sun, Business Analyst, World Bank